Getting Started

How to flash your SuperB using either a USB adapter board or an M2


SuperB can be flashed using an XBee USB adapter board or using M2. As of right now only the USB adapter board supports flashing through the ESP desktop tool; flashing through M2 can only be done through the Arduino IDE.

Step 1 - Hardware Prep

For the instructions that follow, the SuperB is connected to the computer with an XBee USB Adapter board (with one modification), available here.

Before the board can be used with the SuperB, VREF and DIO11 need to be bridged on the rear of the board as shown below.

At this point the board can be connected to the computer via USB with the RESET and BOOT buttons controlling EN and IO0, respectively.

Step 2 - Software

  • 1) Follow the instructions here to set up the board manager for ESP32.

  • 2) Connect the SuperB with the USB adapter board and select the correct port.

  • 3) Place the SuperB into bootloader mode by holding down the BOOT button, pressing and releasing the RESET button, and then releasing the BOOT button.

  • 4) Select "ESP32 Dev Module" as board type.

  • 5) Upload a sketch. An easy sketch to adapt is the "Blink" sketch found in File>Examples>Basics>Blink.

  • 6) Change the three instances of "LED_BUILTIN" to "26":

     void setup() {
     // initialize digital pin LED_BUILTIN as an output.
     pinMode(26, OUTPUT);
     // the loop function runs over and over again forever
     void loop() {
     digitalWrite(26, HIGH);   // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level)
     delay(1000);                       // wait for a second
     digitalWrite(26, LOW);    // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW
     delay(1000);                       // wait for a second
  • 7) Upload the sketch and reset the SuperB with the RESET button.

Last updated